• Security legislation

      • Protection of objectives, goods, values and persons
      Law no. 333/2003 on the protection of objectives, goods, values and persons
      Law no. 9/2007, amending Law no. 333/2003 on the protection of objectives, goods, values and persons
      Law no. 40/2010, amending and supplementing Law no. 333/2003 on the protection of objectives, goods, values and persons
      HG. 301/2012 for approving the methodological norms for the application of Law no. 333/2003
      HG no. 1002/2015, on amendment HG no. 301/2012 - for approving the methodological norms for the application of Law no. 333/2003 - regarding the safeguarding and protection of objectives, goods and values
      HG. 1486/2005 regarding the safeguarding and protection of objectives, goods and values with gendarmes

      • Classified information protection
      Law no. 182/2002 on the protection of classified information
      HG. 585/2002 for approving the national standards for the protection of classified information in Romania
      HG. 781/2002 on the protection of secret information service
      HG. 1576/2002 on approving the list of state secret information, levels of classification
      HG. 1600/2002, concerning objectives, sectors and places of special importance for the protection of state secret information
      HG. 1349/2002 regarding the collection, transport, distribution and protection of classified information

      • Fire protection
      Law no. 307/2006 on protection against fire
      HG. 1088/2000, approving the regulation of fire protection mass
      HG. 1739/2006 for the approval of building and construction categories which are subject to approval and / or authorization fire safety
      HG. 537/2007, establishing and sanctioning infringements of the prevention and firefighting MIRA Order no. 210/2007 approving the Methodology regarding the identification, assessment and control of risks from fire MIRA Order no. 130/2007 approving the Methodology for developing scenarios of fire safety MIRA Order no. 163/2007 for the approval of the general fire safety norms

      • Civil protection
      Law no. 481/2004, civil protection
      Law no. 329/2004, approving Government Emergency Ordinance no. 25/2004 amending and supplementing Government Ordinance no. 88/2001 on the establishment, organization and functioning of public services for emergency situations
      HG. 547/2005 for approving the National Strategy for Civil Protection
      HG. 1492/2004, concerning the organization, functioning and powers of the professional emergency services
      HG. 1489/2004 on the organization and functioning of the National Committee for Emergencies

      • Law no. 18/2011 approving Government Emergency Ordinance no. 98/2010, concerning the identification, designation and protection of critical infrastructures

    • TERMS & DEF'S

Security legislation   _________________________________________

• Protection of objectives, goods, values and persons
Law no. 333/2003 on the protection of objectives, goods, values and persons
Law no. 9/2007, amending Law no. 333/2003 on the protection of objectives, goods, values and persons
Law no. 40/2010, amending and supplementing Law no. 333/2003 on the protection of objectives, goods, values and persons
HG. 301/2012 for approving the methodological norms for the application of Law no. 333/2003
HG no. 1002/2015, on amendment HG no. 301/2012 - for approving the methodological norms for the application of Law no. 333/2003 - regarding the safeguarding and protection of objectives, goods and values
HG. 1486/2005 regarding the safeguarding and protection of objectives, goods and values with gendarmes

• Classified information protection
Law no. 182/2002 on the protection of classified information
HG. 585/2002 for approving the national standards for the protection of classified information in Romania
HG. 781/2002 on the protection of secret information service
HG. 1576/2002 on approving the list of state secret information, levels of classification
HG. 1600/2002, concerning objectives, sectors and places of special importance for the protection of state secret information
HG. 1349/2002 regarding the collection, transport, distribution and protection of classified information

• Fire protection
Law no. 307/2006 on protection against fire
HG. 1088/2000, approving the regulation of fire protection mass
HG. 1739/2006 for the approval of building and construction categories which are subject to approval and / or authorization fire safety
HG. 537/2007, establishing and sanctioning infringements of the prevention and firefighting MIRA Order no. 210/2007 approving the Methodology regarding the identification, assessment and control of risks from fire MIRA Order no. 130/2007 approving the Methodology for developing scenarios of fire safety MIRA Order no. 163/2007 for the approval of the general fire safety norms

• Civil protection
Law no. 481/2004, civil protection
Law no. 329/2004, approving Government Emergency Ordinance no. 25/2004 amending and supplementing Government Ordinance no. 88/2001 on the establishment, organization and functioning of public services for emergency situations
HG. 547/2005 for approving the National Strategy for Civil Protection
HG. 1492/2004, concerning the organization, functioning and powers of the professional emergency services
HG. 1489/2004 on the organization and functioning of the National Committee for Emergencies

• Law no. 18/2011 approving Government Emergency Ordinance no. 98/2010, concerning the identification, designation and protection of critical infrastructures